Is Diversity and Inclusion Enough?

Inclusion is a large part of a company’s human resources responsibilities. This an article published by The Society for Diversity, “Is Your Inclusion Program Inclusive Enough”, talks about how too much inclusion can result in exclusion. One example used in the article is when someone stated that they “didn’t need another old, white, male in leadership.” The concerns with this are that people were dismissed or not hired based on their inability to be unique and not based upon the most qualified person.

The diversity tends to include a certain group of people, but unfortunately it effects everyone. People who are rudimentary looking are the ones that get the reputation of being “privileged.” Human resources can always do better when it comes to inclusion and diversity. The author talks about the idea of getting rid of labels that pre-identify individuals before you get to know the actual person. It can be known as “don’t judge a book by its cover before you read it.” Once we get rid of ideas that we would normally expect, it can open up into an abundance of new ideas and adventures.

Alana N. Williams is the CEO and Senior Investigator of J.A. Investigative Services, LLC.  J.A. Investigative Services is a licensed and insured investigation agency that specializes in conducting professional and comprehensive Workplace Harassment Investigations and Workplace Harassment Prevention Training.  Services and trainings are offered nationwide.  Alana is a collegiate Criminal Justice Instructor and a police officer with 10 years of experience.  Also, Alana is a Licensed Private Investigator and a Certified EEO Investigator that has conducted over 70 trainings and guest appearances with audiences of 200+. 

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