Diversity in the Workplace: Making us Remember That Special Needs Children are as FABULOUS AND EQUAL as all Children

This blog is dedicated to my son, James!!

I am ecstatic to see that Gerber, a worldwide baby food manufacturer took a major leap into REALITY.  Gerber is used a special needs child in a major marketing campaign.  Special needs school-aged children account for approximately 15% of the youth population.  Also, special needs children are medically categorize into 4 different groups. The groups are: physical/ emotional behavior/ developmental/ sensory impaired.  Nevertheless, they are human beings and they are a representation of our culture and it should be depicted as such. 

Understanding the Importance

Being a mother of a special needs child, (almost 7 year-old son), I can relate to and I am proud of the following article.  I detected some developmental delay in my son at 12 months of age.  Since this time, he has been under the care of an loving and attentive pediatrician.  My son has received weekly speech therapy through our medical insurance for almost a year.  Then, he received FREE early intervention services (a speech pathologist came to our home every week for one-on-one interactive services with him) from age 2 to 3 through State funding.  And, he was eligible for early headstart school from ages 3 to 5 through our local school district.  

Now, being integrated in an “normal” school setting with peers that did not have special needs, you can image that the services and the support were so instrumental in his cognitive and developmental growth. All these services were offered despite my ability to be blessed enough to have the capacity to pay for the services, if needed. My son was officially diagnosed at age 4 for ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder).  He is high functioning, awesome, and autistic!  His autistic super power is Science- specifically the solar system, the planets (and sometimes, Pluto…lol) , rocketships, and astronauts.

Our Future is More Diverse

Remember, only a few decades ago, when there were almost only white people, and very very minimum minorities (unless a celebrity), represented in major marketing ads? Such as, household products, buying a car, and even food, as if we- black people didn’t buy the same products.  Now over the years, that has changed.  Today, blacks and other minorities are starring and are being represented in many of the top marketing ads.  These marketing campaigns are also representing interracial marriages and same-sex couples in advertisements.  This is great!!!  This is diversity.  And, this is an accurate representation of our society.  And now, it is time for our special needs children to get ready for lights, cameras….and action!


A Mother is so Appreciative.

So, kudos to Gerber.  This is fantastic and I personally thank you for being open-minded, fair, and diverse with making the decision to star a Down syndrome child as your next spokes baby.

#IApplaudGerber #MySonIsAutisticAndAwesome. #SpecialNeedsChildren #GerberTrendsetters 




Please read the full www.cnn.com article, “For the first time in its history, the Gerber spokesbaby is a child with Down syndrome”

Check out more of our blogs here about workplace harassment and workplace diversity

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